Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fish resembling Life?

In life we encounter struggles, some small or some big that remind us how strong one can truly be. “The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop is a poem where the main character a fisherman catches a truly tremendous fish. Tremendous one would say because as the poem progresses, the said fish evolves into more than itself, it takes a life of its own depicting mankind as well as nature.

A fighter is often defined as a person who fights or resists, or a person with will, courage, determination. In this poem the fish has been through many hard trial and tribulations despite being worn and weary. The determinations and strive to keep fighting is a reminder for us all that this life is not easy as we all think it should be. You have to fight and fight hard to achieve. 

There isn't always a happy ending at the end of the hypothetical "rainbow" but what would life be without challenge, and who would you be without the guts to fight for what you want?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Everyone wants to believe that racism is over and the sterotypical roles that go with your ethnicity but truthfully it's not. People often distrust their own race. Blacks against blacks. White Vs white, etc.

I get on the train and immediately the compartment fills up rapidly. I stand next to a lady leaning on the doors of the train. She was perfectly normal then all of a sudden she looks at me makes a face and pulls her bags closer to herself. BOTH BAGS!!

Just because Im black doesn't mean I'm goin to rob you. Just because Im black doesn't mean I'm in a gang, and just because I'm black does not mean that it is ok to stereotype me. 

If thats how you truly feel, then with ALL the Disrespect... FUCK YOU!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Half Empty Half Full

Heres one of my short stories called half empty half Full!

        People always say that the Lord never gives you anything you cant handle. Well if you believe that , you probably also believe in the Tooth Fairy who takes your tooth and leaves behind money or that asshole of an Easter Bunny who hops about hiding eggs for you to find. Yeah, right? Well guess what, its all a fucked up fucking fabricated lie told to children by adults who pass on stories with no basis. Like really Mom and Dad we all know your the ones leaving money under the pillow. What a surprise. Well in all seriousness, I shall be sending you a bill for negligence because you have not held up your side of the tooth fairy contract. It distinctly says NO MONEY, NO TEETH! 
       But then you grow up and wake up and realize why didn’t anyone tell you that, Geez, I dont know that, you live, love, pay rent, hurt, pay bills, eventually marry, probably divorce and then you die. Its all a very fucked up complex process. Take first dates for instance. One of the golden rules of the first date is to Never Ever say "Can you pay the check? I'm broke. I got us next time no worries.”  Wouldn’t you rather just be upfront and say “Ummm hey Amy, Im really digging you and I so wanna take you out but Im broke”. What a better scenario. Alternative  choice of action: Cook for me you Dummy.
        So really its all about how you see things. Some see life positively, and some see it negatively. But there are very few of us who are in the middle. The seeing the glass half empty yet also full kinda folk, who shrug their shoulder and go about their merry way not pondering the   deep seeding implications of life’s lesson. Life throws things at you so either laugh about it cry about it but please don't freaking complain about it. Go see a damn therapist. 

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Wishing that this day was so much better feels like I'm drowning in sorrow no silver lining in this cloud. 

Seems like when your up, happy and your ready to conquer everything you can,

Life seems to throw you a curve ball that knocks the wind out of you. 

Mind has been in a whirlwind while the heart has been in serious seclusion and recluse. 

Trying to fight your way out of the darkness that seems to have you in a tight embrace unable to move left nor right. 

Confused, Panicked, Feverish, and unable to grasp for air